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Use Social Media to Find a Job

General Social Media Advice

  • Make sure your social media accounts (all of them!) are professional, employer-friendly, and clean – essentially, present your best self!
  • Your real name goes a long way. Avoid using nicknames/slang, or names that make it difficult for employers to find you. Make your name consistent across all platforms.
  • Picture perfect! If you’re going to be using a picture to show who you are, make sure it’s a professional one and not a selfie

LinkedIn Tips

  • Always personalize your message when you connect with anyone on LinkedIn. I cannot stress enough how important this is. I’m not inclined to accept your invitation if you don’t tell me what the connection is (how/where we met and so on).
  • Join LinkedIn groups! Joining groups helps you connect with professionals in your network, and who knows, maybe you will find someone who you haven’t spoken to in a while? This would be a great chance to connect.
  • Utilize the “Jobs” tab – this is how I found my first job out of TRSM! Many recruiters on LinkedIn post roles through the system and find it a suitable way to also check out your online profile. What I love is that if you’re applying on LinkedIn you can view where in the decision-making process you are.

Twitter Tips

  • Actually use Twitter. It’s not enough just to retweet! Check out what your peers are doing to jump on a similar bandwagon, and look to tweet information that pertains to the industry you’re looking to get into. You can check out my Twitter page for some pointers: twitter.com/SnehaDeokie/
  • Follow recruiters/companies – many organizations are looking to social media to help them hire candidates and they tend to post links to jobs through Twitter too!
  • #Hashtagsforthewin – no, seriously! Make sure to look at hashtags such as #hiring #TOjobs #jobs, to name a few, to help you with your search – you never know what you may end up finding!
  • (P.S.: Follow your Career Consultants on Twitter!)

Instagram Tips

  • Instagram is a great avenue for those who want to showcase their creative side and demonstrate their online personality. If you have an online portfolio you would like to showcase, do so! Employers appreciate seeing the work you have done.
  • Similar to Twitter, use the “Tags” option to see who else is hiring, and what else you could apply for – there are many possibilities!
  • Keep your personal Instagram (make it private) and professional Instagram (make it public) separate. No one needs to know where you went for brunch over the weekend (unless maybe you’re in the hospitality industry, looking to make connections in that area). Be thoughtful as to what you’d like to post.


This article was originally posted on www.this-is-trsm.com and is reblogged here with permission. The Ted Rogers School of Management (TRSM) Business Career Hub (www.ryerson.ca/trsm-careers) offers lots of resources for students and alumni from the program. Visit their website to learn more.

Author Sneha Deokie is a Career Consultant with the TRSM Business Career Hub. She has professional experience within the world of education and human resources, and is passionate about helping youth transition into their career paths. Sneha is also a proud Ryerson Alumna, where she completed her BComm at TRSM, and recently completed her Certificate in Human Resources Management through the G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education. Follow Sneha on Twitter: @SnehaDeokie

hire4jobs.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Please note as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. However all the information provided on this site are my own honest opinions.

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About Mildred Blankson

I am a Human Resource Professional with a Masters Degree in Human Resource Management. I have several years of experience in Human Resources and i hope this blog will be a great resource in helping you find the perfect job or candidate that you seek.

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