Unlimited editing for a full year! Plus weekly videos and emails from me and many opportunities to receive feedback from the whole group. The course $1350 but in three days the price goes up to $1550. Sign up now! Writers work best with an external deadline. We don’t realize it, but our definition of a...
Read More »How do you work full-time while you homeschool full-time?
Parental Advisory: Earning all the money and taking care of the kids by yourself at the same time is hell. And only crazy people do it. Really. Less than 1% of white college-educated women raise kids alone. That statistic makes sense to me. Because 2% of white college-educated women get divorced. All these statistics come...
Read More »Here’s the high-priced advice college applicants buy that doesn’t trigger the FBI
The FBI just announced a sting operation that caught 50 rich and famous parents paying millions of dollars to bribe and cheat to get their under-qualified kids into top colleges (and, mysteriously, some not-top colleges). Last year a magnet school in Louisiana, which had been celebrated for getting poor minority students into top schools year after year...
Read More »Are you hoping that I’m over the Farmer and you don’t have to read about him anymore?
I check the farmer’s blog obsessively for any updates, which takes a lot of energy partially because he never writes on it but mostly because I have to work really hard at all the mental gymnastics I use to justify to myself what I’m even doing on there in the first place. But now I know. I...
Read More »Movie reviews. Almost.
I am on a sad-movie-watching binge. It started a few weeks ago. Wait. No. It probably started when I was in third grade and there was no grownup home until 8pm, so after school I went to the movie theater every day for a week to watch Wilbur lose Charlotte and learn to fend for...
Read More »Five Things You Can Do Now to Get a Job at Graduation
Welcome back to school. I am sure you had a good summer, but now it is time to get back into the swing of things, catch up with friends and focus your attention on your studies. If this is your last year of studies, I want to let you in on a little secret. Your ...
Read More »A Campus Recruiter’s Perspective
“I can’t get experience without a job, but I can’t get a job without experience.” “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” “Today’s generation is lazy and entitled.” “There are no good jobs out there.” “I can’t find the right candidate who will be a great fit.” All of these quotes and myths ...
Read More »A Guide to In-Person Job Interviews
In-person interviews come in many shapes and sizes, from the classic one-on-one to the increasingly common group interview. Each in-person interview requires you to show off your skills as a prospective employee, but you may want to prepare a bit differently depending on the type. Tips for One-on-One Interviews One-on-one interviews are often the second ...
Read More »Use Social Media to Find a Job
General Social Media Advice Make sure your social media accounts (all of them!) are professional, employer-friendly, and clean – essentially, present your best self! Your real name goes a long way. Avoid using nicknames/slang, or names that make it difficult for employers to find you. Make your name consistent across all platforms. Picture perfect! If ...
Read More »MLK Had a Dream: Cut Everyone a Check
What if every citizen got the same paycheck monthly no matter what their job or whether they had any job at all? The idea of a universal basic income, or UBI, has been getting a bit of attention recently following Finland’s decision to test out a limited version of the concept. This from a recent CNN Money [...]
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