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Bookmark This! Building Trust Into the Employee Value Proposition

trust, employee trust, organizational trust, office, employee engagement

In today’s competitive recruiting landscape, one of the things that organizations need to focus on is their employee value proposition (EVP). The EVP comprises all of those “things” that employees get by working for your organization. It includes:

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  • Compensation, benefits, and perks
  • Work environment (i.e. what does the place look like?)
  • Training and career development
  • Rewards and recognition
  • Management

Organizations want their EVP to be competitive in the job marketplace. Frankly, even in a less competitive job market, it just makes good business sense to promote this information. I recently wrote a series of posts on the Workforce Institute at Kronos Incorporated blog about the employee value proposition and specifically focused on adding the component of trust. I wanted to share them with you over here.

5 Currencies Essential to Your Company’s Employee Value Proposition. Letting employees know the currencies – both monetary and non-monetary –they will receive helps them decide whether to work for an organization. Once hired, providing ongoing communications about the EVP can impact the degree to which an employee engages with the organization and whether they want to stay.

4 Steps Toward Building a Recruiting Process that Creates Employee Trust. Good processes will yield good outcomes. Organizations that want to hire the best talent need to have an excellent recruiting process because candidates have choices. Sometimes, many choices! And if the organization wants candidates to choose them, then understanding how to build trust in the recruiting process is essential.

How to Create a Trusting Company Culture. Trust is essential in today’s business world. This isn’t just the latest trend du jour. It’s also not a generational thing. Every age group wants to work with dependable people and in a place they can trust. Companies that focus on building trusting cultures will win the talent wars and the customer wars too.

When it comes to building trust, the best approach is a proactive one. Just like customers who buy from companies they trust, employees want to work for organizations that they trust. It’s essential for businesses to show candidates and employees that they’re trustworthy. And in the unlikely chance that something happens to question the company’s trust, the organization needs to have a plan to get it back. It’s better to have this discussion and never use it than scramble after the fact.

The post Bookmark This! Building Trust Into the Employee Value Proposition appeared first on hr bartender.

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About Mildred Blankson

I am a Human Resource Professional with a Masters Degree in Human Resource Management. I have several years of experience in Human Resources and i hope this blog will be a great resource in helping you find the perfect job or candidate that you seek.

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