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Bookmark This! Aligning Employee Needs With the Learning Process

energize your learners, learning, training, development, career, employee learning

As recruiting remains a challenge, many organizations are looking to talent development as a way to maintain their staffing needs. This means creating training programs that will provide employees with the skills they need for the jobs they have today and the ones they are being developed for in the future.

A fairly common instructional design tool is the ADDIE model. It was created back in the 1970s by Florida State University as part of a military training project. The acronym stands for assessment, design, development, implementation and evaluation.

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In recent years, the ADDIE model has received some criticism that it’s not flexible enough for today’s modern learning environment. However, I contend that the individual steps in ADDIE are still very necessary. Is it possible that the model is fine, but we need to view each step in a modern context? I recently explored this idea in a series of posts over on the Saba Software blog and I wanted to share them with you over here as well.

The ADDIE Model: Don’t Conduct Assessments Without This. Assessments, as part of the instructional design process, serve several purposes. They help organizations understand what’s really happening and their options for creating a solution. But to get a solution that’s totally focused on the learner and the learner’s performance? Make sure to include feedback from the learner during this step in the process!

Good Learning Design Involves Alignment and Specificity. The design phase can be used during the creation of any type of learning, whether it’s a five-minute demonstration about how to open a bottle of wine during a restaurant pre-shift briefing or a three-day leadership boot camp. The goal is the same – create a specific learning objective that directly links to employee performance.

Using the ADDIE Model to Develop Learning That Sticks. The development of learning isn’t simply about telling a person or a group some information. It’s about conveying that information in a format that allows the person to intake the information and use it right away. The shorter the time between the learner receiving the information and then using it, the better the chances of learning (true learning) taking place. And employee performance improves.

Program Implementation Should Benefit the Audience and the Organization. When preparing to launch a new learning program, organizations must think about many things such as who will be the facilitator, what are the room logistics, etc. Those details are important, but don’t forget the audience. They’re the ones seeing the program. Organizations must put themselves in the shoes of the audience to create a first-class implementation.

Learner Feedback Is the Most Important Training Metric. When it’s time to evaluate learning, organizations need to make sure that the program objectives were accomplished. But, organizations should place equal value on employee feedback and comments. Their impressions of the program will be shared in the cafeteria, over Slack, and via text messages.

Let me add one more thing. Regardless of where the training occurs in the employee life cycle – orientation, refresher, or as a part of succession planning – organizations create training to move the needle on employee performance. If employees leave training loving the learning, their co-workers will want to know when they get to attend. If employees hate it, their co-workers will find excuses not to participate. That ultimately impacts the business metric the program is trying to change.

The model used to create learning programs should be learner-centric.

Image captured by Sharlyn Lauby during the Association for Talent Development International Conference and EXPO in San Diego, CA

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About Mildred Blankson

I am a Human Resource Professional with a Masters Degree in Human Resource Management. I have several years of experience in Human Resources and i hope this blog will be a great resource in helping you find the perfect job or candidate that you seek.

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